Structured Diabetes Education public engagement

NHS Greater Manchester (NHS GM) has launched a public engagement exercise to ask people with type 2 diabetes for their views on how they would like to get information and support to help manage their condition.

 When someone is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, they are offered a short course – known as Structured Diabetes Education (SDE) – to help them learn more about their condition and how best to manage it.

 Research suggests that structured diabetes education can improve outcomes for people by helping:

  • reducing average blood sugar levels

  • helping people to manage their blood sugar levels, so they don’t spike too high or drop too low

  • prevent complications such as heart disease’ blindness and amputations

  • and improve people’s wellbeing.

SDE is usually delivered face-to-face in group sessions, although digital programmes are also available for those who prefer to learn online or on their phone.

The engagement exercise, which runs until 02 March 2025, is part of a review in partnership with the Greater Manchester and Eastern Cheshire Strategic Clinical Network to improve the attendance rates of eligible patients and better understand any barriers which may exist preventing patients from taking up the service offer. Our biggest priority is to make sure there is consistent service provision across GM and that the service meets the needs of people living with type 2 diabetes in our region.

We would like to hear from people living with type 2 diabetes, their family members and carers to help design a new way of delivering structured diabetes education. We would also like to hear from clinicians and other health professionals too, to identify what currently works and ways in which the service could be improved.

To watch a short animation please click here:

We also have a BSL video which can be viewed here:

How you can help:

 The deadline to share your views is 02 March 2025.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via


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